Anyway, Book Two is underway!!! My characters are making me laugh HYSTERICALLY (yeah, I know that sounds slightly insane, but I guarantee anybody who has written anything with characters and dialogue will totally get it...I hope). I see every facial twitch, hear every elevation in their voices...they're REAL to me. I just love them so much! And, again, I illustrate my dorkdom. Sigh.
I got to thinking about elevators the other day. No idea why. So, here's a little blip about elevators...and me:
Confession: I like elevator music. There, I said it. There’s just one tiny catch…I hate elevators. Scare. The. Ever-loving. Snot. Out. Of. Me. No joke. Of course, this is probably because my trouble-causing dad chose a glass-enclosed elevator facing the outside of a seriously tall building to “bounce” with little me inside. Yeah. Haven’t been a fan since.
No one likes to admit they enjoy elevator music, right? I
mean, it’s practically a universal rule that you make fun of people who like
the stuff. *points finger at self and chuckles* The worst part (oh, there is
one, believe me)? If I’m forced to ride within a death box on cables, I find my
only solace is in the music…which means I start to hum (dead giveaway)…and that
inevitably leads to whisper-singing or, worse yet, full-blown karaoke (just
slap my forehead with a giant ‘L’ for loser because I have outed myself as an
elevator-music-loving loser).
So. Yeah. My brain is running on random today. I’ll probably
regret admitting to this tomorrow.
Thank you so much! I'm now following your blog as well! :)