Describe your main power for our readers, if you will.
Trey: Yeah, basically, I can sniff out lies, dig up
truths…that kind of thing. It’s kinda hard to define because it all happens in
my gut. I just know where there’s a lie. Might not know what the truth is, but
you can damn well bet I’m gonna find out.
So, how can your friends get away with keeping things
from you?
Trey (grinning): Some lies are harmless. I mean, I know what
ones are major and what ones aren’t. The major ones rattle my core…it forces me
to hunt until I uncover the truth. Minor lies might give me a twinge, but I
know not to turn them into a big expedition, you know? And then there are the
fun ones, like when someone wants to surprise you with a present or
something—those are cool.
I guess no one has ever been able to surprise you, then?
Trey (chuckles): Not at all. They get it, I think. They just
ignore it. [laughs] I’ll try to, you know, forget I know something’s coming, so
I can act surprised for them and stuff. I mean, anytime someone wants to do
something nice, and then actually follows through, it’s a big effing surprise,
so… [laughs from Trey and Clarissa].
Biggest drawback with having this talent?
Trey: Finding out someone you trust, maybe even love, can’t
be trusted.
Has this happened to you?
Trey: Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that. [Trey notices
Clarissa’s rather big mouth opening] It’s not a can of worms you want to open.
Well, then, what’s the biggest plus side to this talent?
Trey: Sort of the same answer, in a way. It’s good to know
who your allies are, but it’s sometimes sad to know who they aren’t.
In order for your power to work, do you have to be in
close proximity to the person, or is it in the voice, a look, what?
Trey: I think it’s mostly a proximity thing, but there have
been times where it’s just a general feeling coming from a group of people, no
one specific. It varies, I guess. Either I get the vibe, or I don’t. Pretty
much that simple.
Let’s talk secrets! What are some juicy morsels you’ve
uncovered using your power?
Trey [laughing]: Ah, well…did you know Benji once spiked Irving’s
fin cream during gym?
He did not!
Trey: Yep. Used something called a shedding cream?
Oh no! Shedding creams are used for overly dry fins—it
basically sloughs away the top layer of fin. If Irving
didn’t need it, trust me when I say the process was terribly itchy.
Trey [hysterical]: Awesome. Oh, sorry.
No, no, it’s fine, it’s fine! This is good scoop! What
else do you have for us?
Trey: Madame Helena sneaks loads of liquor to her room,
usually vodka, despite lecturing kids on the evils of alcohol; Vice Principal
Anderson fudges his height and wears a toupee [Clarissa gasps and giggles]; some
of the Fairhair students aren’t natural blonds.
[Clarissa nearly falls off her chair] That’s not
Trey: Why not? There are some non-blonds, right? There are a
couple of well-known mermaids that come to mind.
Uh, yes, I suppose that’s true. They’re exceedingly rare,
though…and it could mean—who are the Fairhair students with dyed hair?
Trey [eyebrow raised]: Forgot. New topic?
Of course. Next on my list is, uh…[Clarissa shuffling
through her notes. She’s pissy she didn’t get what she wanted] Oh, shut up, you
stupid Sandblastwriter…piece of seahorsesh—[Trey gazes at her like she has lost
her crap…and, truth be told, she has] Here we go—next up, we have some special
questions from our loyal readers!
Tune in next week when Trey answers your questions!